Friday, September 25, 2009

There is nothing more dangerous in life and literature than a tainted view

"Hello old friends. There's really nothing new to say. But the old, old story bears repeating
And the plain old truth grows dearer every day. When you find something worth believing
Well, that's a joy that nothin' could take away."

These are simple but profound lyrics from a profoundly simple man. Rich Mullins captured so many incredible truths within his many songs, and found a way to turn the truth inside out, revealing the marrow inside. I believe God allowed him the gift of tongues - but maybe not in a charismatic sense. Rich had the ability to reveal truth in a way that the sun burns off mist and morning dew to reveal a flowering hillside. Truth that quietly whispers its presence while constantly demanding respect as it grows stronger in our hearts.

I'm an artist and a writer. But how easy would it be for me to begin down paths that could lead me to write and create with a basis of newly acquired knowledge of man's wisdom? How long would it take for me to depend on my own interesting view of the world, mix it with the books I read and the songs I listen to and begin to suffer in my own tainted interpretation of life and meaning? This would be so easy - to be a tortured soul; a starving teller of non-absolutes. But would this really be a display of something new under the sun?

In a new book that I'm finishing, Chris Malone, a brilliant media producer, suffers from this state of being. His tainted view of life estranged him from his family, isolated him from real life and forces him into false needs and desires. His was a life perpetually accosted with the vagueness of all the gray areas of existence and the dependency on himself above all else.

Blame was his game. Everyone else was at fault. His shot glass was mostly empty while his video camera lens was coated with oil and grime. What was worse was that he could not see his own decline, as he flirted with the dangers of addiction and self destruction. Bitterness and resentment ruled his thoughts and through his thoughts the enemy ruled him. Why?

Because Chris decided to ignore the old truth that was presented to him. But finally he learns that throughout every raging thought and torrent of life, God is the one constant, unmovable, unflappable and ever present stronghold. He cannot leave us if we have accepted His Spirit. What a change of lenses! What a needed cleaning of a terribly tainted view!

This is why "the old, old story bears repeating". This is why our breath is not misspent in efforts to spread the good news of a loving Christ whose story ends with a whole new beginning for mankind.

Outside of scriptures, Rich may have said it best: "So old friends you must forget what you had to forgive. And let love be stronger than the feelings. That rage and run beneath the bridge. Knowin' morning follows evening. Makes each new day come as a gift"

We'll share again soon.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Just a baby blogger

Baby Blogger

Sometimes growth steps are not easy to take. I have never been good at making journal entries at any given point in my vast 37 years. So, the documentation of my life is limited to random journals with gaps that can span years. That is until about 5 years ago when I started writing my first book; a autobiographical novel called "Mystics & Mobsters". I like to say that the book is my life - with a twist. Many twists actually. Any similarities of the characters to real people were purely on purpose. But not all stories are necessarily or completely true.

So...the growth steps began 5 years ago with a blogger book to make up for lost time. This was great! A purging process that left me much healthier and happier with my life at the present. But what about a daily entry - or monthly for that matter? I tired last year to start blogging but it didn't take.

If I can steal from the cinematic masterpiece "What About Bob?" I know I need to take baby steps. The giant-sized leaps experienced in writing a book accomplished some good but it's not like people have it on the book shelves at home. I need to take another crack at this blog thing and see where it takes me. I'll try blogging on various topics because, obviously, I like to write. But my goal will be to establish a relationship with you the reader, as much as with myself (who stands to benefit the most?) I do - I'm sure. But that's OK.

Will you come with me on this journey? I can share with you if you'd like to peek into my life. Some new projects are around the corner that you may find interesting. A new book that is just now going to press after over 2 years of development will hopefully be released at the beginning of 2010! The working title is "The Tentacle Prophecy" and will satisfy those into the techno-thriller book world.

New music will be coming to be sure. For those that have demanded a new instrumental project - thank you for your patience - It's coming!

There is much more to say - but I need you. I need you to hold me to task. I need you to call me out when my words are confusing or ill-timed. But most of all, I need you to go with me on this journey to remind me that writing is not only about the purging, but the sharing. I want to share with you - my new friends -  a life that is in the making by a God that made everything.

I'll promise to keep in touch. But like that friend that signs your high school year book with the same promise, I may not follow through unless you do the same. In the mean time, I'll be taking baby steps towards true blogging freedom!

God bless - we'll talk again soon.